This quote by the famous author J.K. Rowling, aptly describes the importance and role of the Pawar Public School Library in the lives of our pupils, teachers and parents. Ours is a well - stocked, very well maintained and widely used library catering to all age groups, right from the toddlers to adults.
This huge, sprawling, 4000 sq. feet area, houses over 40,000 books, external examination resources and audio-visual aids. Our school library provides and promotes quality fiction and non-fiction books to develop and sustain the habit and enjoyment of reading for pleasure. It also serves to enrich the intellectual, aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth of pupils. We have a wide variety of text books and reference books on various subjects. We also have a vast collection of Encyclopaedias, newspapers and magazines to keep abreast of all the current events and latest developments in various fields.
This is an era of Information Technology and each day brings about a revolution in the field of computer science and technology. Our Computer Laboratory, houses the latest desktops, with a ratio of one machine per child (1:1) to enable every child to get hands-on experience which will enhance their learning process.
The school has separate laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology and each of the labs is fully equipped with the latest scientific apparatus. The Physics lab is also utilized for Technical Drawing Application practicals. To open the minds of the students to the marvels of scientific research at a very young age, even our Pre-Primary students are taken for lab visits. In higher classes, the teaching - learning process is enhanced as each student is expected to perform the experiments on their own. It is rightly said “What I learn - I Forget, what I see - I remember, what I do - I understand.” Our aim is to promote learning through understanding of concepts.
The Home Science laboratory is a well-ventilated kitchen located on the third floor. It has all the facilities for cooking, such as a gas stove, microwave oven, mixer, refrigerator etc. besides cupboards for storage.
The IX and X standard students are offered Home Science as an optional subject.
An acoustically treated auditorium with a professional stage and adequate light and sound system having a seating capacity of 500 serves as a platform for the students to exhibit their talents. We believe that every child has talent and it is up to us to identify and nurture so that they grow to their full potential.
With this aim in mind, all competitions are open to each and every pupil and it is ensured that every child gets the opportunity to perform in the various events celebrated in school.
Our school offers a variety of both indoor and outdoor sports during school and also through after school activities. The activities offered are football, handball, cricket, gymnastics, table tennis and athletics to name a few. Summer camp activities also include sports. Yoga is also included as an integral part of Physical Education. The school takes an active part in both intra and inter school competitions.
The IX and X standard students are offered Physical Education as an optional subject.